In service of the nation: Indian Army constructing 100 bedded Covid care centres in the border district of Pithoragarh.

BD Kasniyal
GG News Bureau
Pithoragarh, May 17. Following the patriotic tradition of the nation before self, the Indian Army has begun constructing two 50 bed each Covid care centres in Dharchula and Berinag sub developmental divisions in the remote border district of Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand.
“Indian army is constructing 2 Covid care centres, of 50 beds each, in this Border district and these covid care centres, operated by the army will be started in Dharchula and Berinag subdivisions of the district,” said Anand Swaroop District Magistrate Pithoragarh.
“The work of constructing these centres is in progress, we hope the centres will come in operation in one- or two days’ time. “said the DM Pithoragarh.
Pithoragarh chief medical officer Harish Chandra Pant said that after the construction of two more Covid care centres in the district, the administration will have additional resources to tackle the menace of Covid 19, in the district.
“These hospitals will be run by Army in cooperation with civil authority, while the army will provide logistics, the civil authority will help in giving trained Human resources. “said the CMO.
According to CMO, there are 16 containment zones in the district to stop Coronavirus from spreading a total of 10 per cent population of the district is covered under these containment zones
.”With awareness of people and increased testing in villages, the Corona menace is on its decrease in the district. “said the CMO Pithoragarh,

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