Will BJP change the chief minister before elections once again? constitutional crisis being cited as main reason.

Ajay Ramola
GG News Bureau
Dehradun, 2nd July. According to the sources BJP, may change its chief minister once again before elections in Uttarakhand and it is being said that it has made all preparation for the change. Tirath Singh Rawat may again have to vacate the chair for the new CM as he has been summoned to Delhi to discuss the issue not only about the change but the road froward that should be taken before next assembly elections scheduled in 2022.
Trivendra Singh Rawat former CM was also summoned to Delhi before his removal, similarly, Tirath Singh Rawat has also been called by BJP high command and many political experts believe that Uttarakhand may see another chief minister before the February 2022 elections.
The change of two Chief ministers in succession raises the question that will such move affect the poll prospects of the BJP in the next assembly elections. The BJP has the constitutional reason for changing its CM once again and if done it could work in its favour .
Tirath Singh Rawat the elected MP from Pauri Garhwal was elevated to the post of chief minister by replacing Trivendra Singh Rawat and Tirath Sigh Rawat took over as CM in the month of March.
But according to the rule, the chief minister is required to become a member of the assembly within the next 6 months of being made CM which means that Tirath Singh Rawat will have to contest and win the MLA’s by-election if he is to continue as CM.
Under such circumstances BJP is contemplating to change Tirath Sigh Rawat as a chief minister and the party believes that if the decision is taken many questions will not be raised. With Tirath Rawat continuing as the Chief Minister he would be forced to contest in By-Polls and if he wins will have to vacate his seat as MP Pauri Garhwal and the party would have to hunt another face for the by-pollss for the MP seat.
Under such condition party is left with only the option of change in leadership once again to avoid the risk of elections both in assembly and for the member of parliament. The party is in the mood of cashing on the constitutional crisis in its favour right before the next assembly elections.
Tirath Singh Rawat has to become a member of the Uttarakhand Assembly by September 9 according to the rules but the Election Commission has banned by polls due to Covid crisis and as elections are due in February with only about 6 months only few months will be left after that so election commission instead of by-pols could go for full-fledged assembly elections.
According to the sources the party has begun the search for new LA from the present set of MLAs and several names are being floated in political parlance for the post. The state BJP president Madan Kaushik, Tourism Minister Satpal Maharaj have emerged as major contenders. BJP could also go in for Chnadan Ramdas the dalit leader from Kumaon and MLA from Bageshwar as the CM of the state although for only few months as it would send across a positive message among the voters from Dalit community. However before declaring the name of the chief minister BJP must do a balancing act and tread carefully otherwise could have an adverse effect during the elections.
BJP is also contemplating on sending a chief minister from New Delhi and the name of Rajya Sabha MP Anil Baloni is also figuring in the probable cm candidate list. Baloni is the media incharge of BJP presently, and has an honest image. He has been in contact with the people in state and has been active during the Covid 19 crisis period. The party could ahead with him as by the time his turn comes to contest in by-polls the notification for the next assembly elections will be out and he will not have to go into by-polls.
The statements made by Tirath Singh Rawat about women have angered the people and his decisions on religious events like Kumbh may have backfired making him unpopular among some senior BJP leaders. The BJP would also like to avoid the by-polls as the defeat could send a wrong message among the electorate and especially when the resurgent Congress under the leadership of Harish Rawat and Aaam Aadmi party with renewed vigour after induction of Col Ajay Kohtiyal in its fold are knocking on the doors of power in the state, with full might thus forcing the BJP to look for least controversial way out for the complex situation.

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