The three-pronged strategy to contain Covid 19 infection pays a rich dividend in the Pithoragarh district.

GG News Bureau
Pithoragarh, 31th May. A three-pronged strategy to contain Covid 19 infection in the district has started giving results as the positive cases have come down at 4% from 25 % during the peak of the second wave of the epidemic. said district officials.
“Our Covid 19 positive cases were at peak on 15th May, when we began the covid 19 samples testing the positive cases were at 25 per cent but after we started on the spot testing facility along with on the spot medication and vaccinations strategy, we have brought it at 4 per cent today,” said Anand Swaroop District Magistrate Pithoragarh.
The district is surrounded by Nepal at its east and China at North faces the potent risk of the virus spreading from the routes that are more popular among the travelling citizens from either country.
“While we have strongly restricted entry from Nepal without negative Covid 19 report, we have started tests at routes to high Himalayan Villages. “said the DM.
The district magistrate said that to maximize tests, the administration has formed 40 teams. “the teams have been given the roster of their villages and they have to reach there despite tough terrains,” said the DM.
According to the district magistrate, the virus entered the remote Villages of the district through migrants who came from big cities or from social gatherings the villagers took part in.
“At our three corona testing posts of Seraghat, Ghat etc the main entry points of the district, we have made it essential for every passenger coming from plains district to remain in quarantine till hi is not declared Covid negative.
The DM said that the corona testing teams are facing big challenges in reaching interior villages for testing, vaccination and medicine distribution as some part of the district are at a 42 km distance from the main road.
“We have over 23 villages in the district which are at 5 to 42 km distance, but our teams have accepted the challenge to maximize the testing by reaching these villages or foot or by any manual means.” said the DM.

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