Tanzanian High Commission Defence Advisor Colonel Moses Beatus Mlula Dies of Corona

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 4th May. The Tanzanian High Commission Defence Advisor Colonel Moses Beatus Mlula dies of Covid19. This is probably the first case of death of an employee of a foreign mission from this virus.

Colonel Moses Beatus Mlula died on April 28 at the base hospital in Delhi Cantonment. Sources said that Mlula was taken to a major private hospital in critical condition on April 27 but was not admitted due to non-availability of beds.

The Tanzanian High Commission then approached the Indian Army. After this, he was admitted to the base hospital on behalf of the Indian Army and a team of doctors was posted for his treatment.

The High Commission of Tanzania has announced that he died at around 3 pm on 28 April. No official information has been provided by Indian authorities on this. The Tanzanian High Commission mentioned Mlula’s death in an internal dialogue with foreign missions and agencies of the United Nations.

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