Fight against Corona: Center gives Rs 1732.50 crore to Serum Institute of India for 11 crore Vaccines

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 4th May. The Central Government on Monday has denied the reports in which it was said that the Center has ordered new vaccines. They said it is completely false and not based on facts. The Health Ministry informed that the Government of India has given 16.54 crore vaccine doses to the state and union territories till 2 May.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Health said that Rs.1732.50 crore has been issued to Serum Institute of India for delivery of 11 crore doses of Covishield vaccine in April, June and July on 28 April. SII got Rs.1699.50 crore after deducting TDS.

The Health Ministry also said that only 8.74 crore doses have been made available till May 3 in lieu of the previous order of 10 crore doses of the Covishield vaccine. The ministry said that apart from SII, Bharat Biotech has been given 100% advance of Rs 787.50 crore for delivery of 5 crore doses of covaxin in May, June and July. The Government of India will also purchase 50 percent of the production from the vaccine manufacturers and make it available to the State Governments free of cost.

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