No System Of Medicine Can be Perfect Or Complete In Itself: Dr RK Mamgain

Ajay Ramola
GG News Bureau
Dehradun, 26th May. Dr RK Mamgain, MD Ayurveda and a professor and consultant at the department of Ayurvedic medicine in Swami Ram Himalayan Institute Hospital at Doiwala Dehradun are saddened at the present row between Baba Ramdev of Patanjali Research institute and Indian Medical Association which refuses to die down.
IMA Uttarakhand has sent a defamation notice of Rs 1000 crores to Baba Ramdev and has also asked Bab Ramdev to apologise for his remarks in the next 15 days.

Dr RK Mamgain responding to a row between Baba Ramdev the head of Patanjali research institute said that no system of medicine can be perfect or complete. Questioning about the integrity & efficacy of western medicine like Baba Ramdev did is not acceptable and being an Ayurvedic physician, I personally condemn it and hope he will be promoting Yoga and Ayurveda with more maturity and good spirit in the future.
But at the same time, his contribution in the field of Yoga and Ayurveda for popularizing it nationally or globally is appreciable. Western medicine has achieved great success in treating diseases by constant research over time, but it also does not mean that for everything there is a better remedy in it.
Ayurveda, the most ancient medical system, has its own strength which is lacking in western medicine. There are certain weaknesses also and with time, some of its medicines may become obsolete or not possible to practice in the present era. We all need to be honest about our system with acceptance of its strengths and weaknesses. This is not for satisfying our false egos but rather, all medical systems exist for the betterment of mankind and to relieve their sufferings said Dr RK Mamgain.
Health experts working for the nation’s health need to identify the areas of their weaknesses and the practitioners of different systems of medicine also need to understand and realise their potential, capacities, and realities within their boundaries. These systems can never replace each other but certainly can complement and synergize each other. It is our country’s biggest problem that the people who have no expertise in the field are the spokesperson and advisors of that field. This, you can find everywhere in our functional set-up from the highest organization level of the country to the service provider agency at the base level.
Dr RK Mamgain said that, unlike Physics or Chemistry, medicine is not pure science. Medicine is more of applied science where principles of pure science are adapted and applied based on changing the human constitution, natural or man-made resources and ever-evolving research. Scientific truths are not true all the times. Today’s truth maybe tomorrow’s folly while some of the principles of life and healthcare described in Ayurveda are sempiternal. The medical fraternity needs to accept the scientific and validated contribution of all systems. This is the time not to criticize each other but rather use the support of all medical systems to help and heal our citizens.
Dr Ravindra Kumar Mamgain, highly qualified and experienced ayurvedic physician and leading Ayurveda expert in North India. He has a post-graduate degree and doctorate in Ayurvedic medicine ( M.D. & PhD) after graduation in Ayurveda. in 1989 from Lucknow University, he was selected for higher studies in Ayurveda in, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and won 2 gold medals for excellence in Ayurvedic medicine. He has extensive experience of more than 25 years as an Ayurvedic consultant, researcher, and teacher. He has practised Ayurveda for all these years in the institute of national & international repute.

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