Indian Army tightens security at Lipulekh amidst the reports of increased Chinese troops activities near the Indo-China Border

BD Kasniyal
GG News Bureau
Pithoragarh, 23rd July. Amidst reports of Chinese troops of having increased their activities at Barahoti Border along China border, the ITBP and army jawans have tightened security at Lipulekh border along Indo-China Border in this district. Sources said.
“We have doubled our patrolling from Nabhidhang to Lipulekh Border at Indo-China border along this district and the 10 km long border area is also being observed closely by the Indian Army after the reports of several Chinese troops activites witnessed by the villagers from Barahoti,”said a ITBP officer in condition of anonymity.
According to the officer, the Indian troops have been on alert in this Border from last year when some Chinese troops showed their red flags from their border last year and raised objections to Indian constructions inside Indian territory.
“We had already sounded alerted at the border from last year, and after the Barahoti incident have become more cautious of Chinese activities across the Border.”said the officer.
However, the officer said that they have not witnessed any increased Chinese activities from across the border as of today.
Meanwhile the administration has stepped up the efforts to clear border roads at Indo China Border, the roads that were blocked due to heavy landslide following rains in this region. “Out of a total 22 roads closed in the district, 7 are border roads connection last security posts of country at Indo China border, the border roads closed include, Ghatiabagar to Lipulekh Road, Gunji Kuti Joling ong road, Pithoragarh to Tawaghat road and Tawaghat to Doka road, the construction agencies BRO and CPWD are working at war footing to open these strategically vital roads. “said AK Shukla, SDM of border sub division of Dharchula.

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