Indian Army is always with the villagers from Border areas: Defence secretary Dr Ajay Kumar

BD Kasniyal
GG News Bureau
Pithoragarh, 5th July. In his first visit to Gunji security post to tri-border with Nepal and China and India, on Sunday, the defence secretary Dr Ajay Kumar addressing the from the border village Gunji said that Indian army is always with border villagers in time of every crisis be it civil or defence. Sources from Pithoragarh district administration said.
“The defence secretary reached at Dharchula helipad at noon from new delhi and after having some conversation with district administration officers, flown direct to Gunji, a tri-border security post of country with China and Nepal.
“After taking stock of security arrangements the defence secretary held talks with army official and other security agencies at the crucial border and talked with Gunji villagers. “said Anand Swroop, district magistrate Pithoragarh.
According to sources it is first visit of defence secretary at Gunji after the country witnessed tension with neighbouring Nepal and China this year.
“The defence secretary also reviewed the condition of border roads, under construction or completed, held talks with BRO officers and Gunji villagers and assured the villagers that the army is always with them in any eventualities either during any national security or civic problem like natural disasters. “said Daulat singh Gunjiyal, a resident of Gunji village.

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