INDIA Bloc Releases List of Boycotted News Anchors, BJP Strongly Condemns Decision

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 15th Sept. A day after the first coordination committee meeting on Wednesday, the INDIA bloc’s sub-group on media has issued a list of TV news anchors whose debates the opposition leaders will boycott.

The decision of announcing a list of news anchors to be boycotted was taken during Wednesday’s meeting.

INDIA Bloc Releases List of Boycotted News Anchors, BJP Strongly Condemns Decision

“We have made this decision with a heavy heart. We are not opposed to any of these anchors. We don’t hate any of these anchors. But, we love our country more. We love our Bharat,” says Congress leader Pawan Khera on the INDIA alliance’s decision to boycott a few TV anchors.

Reacting to the unexpected move by the INDIA alliance,the BJP said in an official statement, “The Bharatiya Janata Party today strongly criticised and condemned the decision of all the constituents of the “ghamandiya” alliance – I.N.D.I Alliance — to boycott some journalists and the threat issued to them.”

"The Bharatiya Janata Party today strongly criticised and condemned the decision of all the constituents of the "ghamandiya" alliance - I.N.D.I Alliance


Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal made the announcement at a press briefing following the meeting.

“The coordination committee authorised the sub-group on media to decide upon the names of the anchors on whose shows none of the INDIA parties will send their representatives,” he said.

AAP leader Raghav Chadha on Wednesday said, ” We have also authorised our media committee to release the list of TV anchors on whose shows leaders of our alliance parties won’t participate.”

“There are some anchors who conduct provocative debates. We’ll make a list of them and INDIA alliance partners will stop going to their shows”, Chadha later added.

The first meeting of the coordination committee was held at the residence of NCP supremo Sharad Pawar in New Delhi.

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