Gustakhi Maaf Haryana-Pawan Kumar Bansal

Sent by our enlightened reader Vinod Bhatia retired IFS officer Haryana.

Gustakhi Maaf Haryana-Pawan Kumar Bansal

Sent by our enlightened reader Vinod Bhatia retired IFS officer Haryana.

Dear Bansal ji,

Of late your investigative stories clearly point out a throughly rotten bureaucratic system prevailing in the state. Your stories clearly show that land grabbing has become a common phenomenon, poor afforestation schemes, punctured policing, willful disobedience of rules and laws, deliberately withholding prosecution of IAS and so on.Coupled to this poor infrastructure, resentment of farmers,unhygienic govt hospitals, filthy drains,broken roads,dying govt school buildings,vanishing employment opportunities for the youth,dwindling forest resources are just tips of a huge iceberg of discontent in the public. What is happening and why it is happening?

Though it is important to avoid generalizations but a majority of the public feels that bureaucracies like the Indian Administrative Service is habitually corrupt. I always wonder as to what makes them corrupt rather I should use a better phrase as habitually corrupt. I ponder and find few reasons and perhaps I can list them also.

The foremost reason is lack of transparency in the working ecosystem.

Weak oversight mechanisms invariably fail to detect corruption or hold bureaucrats accountable for their actions.

Political pressure or influence also obstruct the investigation and prosecution of corrupt officials, particularly if those officials have connections to powerful individuals or political parties.

Corruption cases are generally complex and difficult to prosecute as they require strong evidence and legal expertise. In majority of the instances legal challenges or loopholes hinder the successful prosecution of corrupt individuals.

Limited resources, including funding and personnel also hamper efforts to investigate and prosecute corruption cases effectively.

In virtually all cases, corruption is a culturally accepted or normalized norm making it challenging to generate public outrage or demand accountability for corrupt behavior.

If efforts are directed to improve the punishment of corrupt individuals by strengthening anti-corruption laws, enhancing neutral investigative and prosecutorial capacities, promoting judicial independence, and fostering a culture of zero tolerance for corruption within institutions then there is some chance to improve the ground level situation.But it appears like a day dream.Tailpiece.Our Lord Rama has a large army for execution of his sermons but somehow lost the greatest ability of our Lord…Maryada..

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