Gustakhi Maaf Haryana- Pawan Kumar Bansal

Om Parkash Yadav ex Sarpanch Manesar.Contempt of Court is only option.

Gustakhi Maaf Haryana- Pawan Kumar Bansal

CBI and Haryana Govt. inviting contempt of court of Supreme Court- Not implementing it’s six years old orders in Manesar Land Scam.

A division bench of Supreme Court consisting of Justice U Lalit and Adarsh Kumar Goel has directed the CBI and Haryana Govt to recover each penny of hefty amount cornered by ” middle men” which rightly belonged to the State.

Farmers of Manesar and adjoining Lokhnoula and Naurangpur villages in Gurugram district bordering the national capital who were forced to sell their land to builders under threats of acquisition by Haryana Govt.are still awaiting for justice after fighting about one and half decade’s battle upto Supreme Court.Even CBI and Haryana Goverment are not acting on orders of Supreme Court .On 27.03.2004 the Haryana Government has issued orders under section four of Land Acquisition Act 1894 for acquision of about 912 Acres Land of above villages for setting up of Chodhary Devi Lal Industrial Township , to be planned as an Integrated Complex for residential and other public purposes.

Panicky farmers have sold their land to builders at throghway priices under threat of acquisition.Once the builder bought the Land the orders of acquisition were withdrawan.
Against the acquisition notices farmers led by Om Parkash Yadav ex.Sarpanch of Manesar village filed a pettition in Punjab and Haryana High Court from there they lost the case.
They filed appeal in Supreme Court against the judgement of Punjab and Haryana High Court.During the procedeeings Haryana Goverment which had intially registered a case at Manesar submitted that it had no objection if the court hands over the case to C.B.I for investigations. A division bench of Supreme Court consisting of Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel and Justice Uday Umesh Lalit wide their order dated March,12,2018 ordered CBI investigations in the case.
After investigations CBI filed chargesheet in designated CBI, Court at Panchkula against former Haryana Chief Minister ,Bhupinder Singh Hooda and ab out haalf a doen IAS and other officers who are currently on bail.
For enhanced compensation the Court directed the farmers to file case in Gurugram Court.Supreme Court also observed that substantial sums were made to over to ” middle men “. In the investigations, the CBI may do well to unrath the turth.In any case , such hefty sums which were made over to ” middle men” cannot be said to rightfully earned by and belonging to them.

In fact, this actually represents the return or being able to garner the lands in question and getting requisite Licences under the provisions of the Haryana Act and a benefit derived out of the fraud on power.In our view this money rightfuly belongs to the State and none other.We direct the authorities of the State as well as the Central Government to reach the depths of such transctions and recover every single pie and make it over to the State Government..A complete investigations in the transctions including unearthing unnatural gains received by ” midddle men ” shall be undertaken by the CBI.
Om Parkash Yadav ex Sarpanch of village Manesar who had fought the battle upto Supreme Court on behalf of affected farmers told Tehelka ” It is shocking that even after six years of the direction of the Supreme Court neither the CBI nor the Haryana Government did not took any step to recover that money which was cornered by the ” middle men ” and which rightfully belongs to the State as observed by the Supreme Court for reasons best known to themselves.
Now discuss the enhancement compensation issue.Supreme Court has directed the affected farmers whose Land was acquired to approach the Gurugram Court for enhancehed compensation.
Om Parkash Yadav told that Tarun Singal, Additional Dstrict Judge,Gurugram vide his order dated 19 May,2023 stated that market value of the acquired Land is fixed as Rs.sixty nine lakhs ninteen thousands and eighty two rupees per acre alongwith the statutory benefit.Besides this they shall also get solatium at the rate of thirty percent as envisaged under sub section (2) of the Act and as per provisions of section 23 (1-A ) of the Act ,they shall also be entitle3d to an amount calculated at the rate of tweleve percent per annum on the above mentioned assessed market value.

The Judge also asked the Haryana Government to ensure that Landowners are not fleecced by the middlemen in the distribution of enhanced compensation. Om Parkash Yadav regretted that they are running from pillar to post for getting this enhanced compesation but nobody is bothering about their plight.
Recall Om Parkash Yadav that the affected farmers have met Yash Garg,Managing Director of H.S.I.I.D.C,Haryana and ohter senior functioneries of the Haryana Governent several times for enhanced compensation adding that now they are planning to file contempt petition in the Court.

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