Government of India releases Payroll report with an employment perspective

GG News Bureau
New Delhi, 23rd July. Payroll Reporting in India: An Employment Perspective –May, 2021


1. Since April, 2018 this Ministry has been bringing out the employment related statistics in the formal sector covering the period September 2017 onwards, using information on the number of subscribers who have subscribed under three major schemes, namely the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) Scheme, the Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Scheme and the National Pension Scheme (NPS).

2. As mentioned in the earlier series, since the numbers of subscribers are from various sources, there are elements of overlap and the estimates are not additive. Detailed information is separately published on the respective organizational websites for the period September, 2017 toMay,2021.

The information is based on the number of subscribers, and the tables reflect dynamic status for five sets of periods –
(a) September 2017 –March2018,
(b) April 2018 –March2019,
(c) April 2019 –March 2020,
(d) April 2020 –March 2021
(e) monthly data from April 2021 onwards.

The data in Section 2.1 includes information gender-wise, on the number of new members who haves started subscribing to EPF, the number of members that have ceased their subscription and the number of members who restarted contribution, having ceased subscription in the past.

The data 2.2 includes information gender-wise, in respect of ESI, on the number of existing employees who paid contribution and the number of newly registered employees who are paying contribution during the period.

The data in Section 2.3 includes information gender-wise, in respect of NPS, on the existing subscribers and new subscribers contributing during the period.

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