Eastern Nagaland Group Refrains from Election Participation, Cites Unmet Promises

GG News Bureau
Guwahati, 2nd April. 
The Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Organisation (ENPO) has officially communicated its decision to abstain from participating in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections to the Election Commission. The influential ENPO, representing Naga tribes, cited the central government’s failure to address the creation of a Frontier Nagaland territory as the primary reason behind their abstention.

In a letter addressed to the Election Commission, the ENPO reaffirmed its commitment to the Chenmoho Resolution and expressed disappointment over the government’s inability to fulfill promises made regarding the creation of the Frontier Nagaland Territory. Despite repeated reminders and mass public rallies, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) allegedly ignored their demands, leading to the decision to abstain from the electoral process.

The ENPO emphasized that their decision was not taken lightly but was a reflection of the sentiments and aspirations of the Eastern Nagaland populace. It reiterated its unwavering commitment to the Chenmoho Resolution, which represents the collective will of the people.

However, the ENPO clarified that their decision should not be perceived as an act of defiance against democracy but rather a principled stance aimed at drawing attention to their legitimate grievances. They remain hopeful that the government will address the longstanding issue of the Frontier Nagaland Territory and urged the Election Commission to accommodate their abstention from the elections.

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