During the Corona period, RSS’s positivity unlimited: Sangh chief Bhagwat says success and failure are not final; The courage to continue working matters.

GG News Bureau
Nagpur, 16 May. Dr. Mohan Bhagwat, Sarsanghchalak of RSS addressed the ‘Hum Jeetenge: Positivity Unlimited’ lecture program on the last day of the event that began on 11th May and culminated on Saturday. Bhagwat discussed the situation arising from the Corona crisis and said that success and failure are not final. The courage to continue working matters.
RSS head said that it is very difficult to talk about positivity right now as we are growing through a difficult phase. Many families have lost their dear ones and several families have lost their bread earners due to the pandemic. some have become spiritually separated. In many families, the maintenance went away. What was in 10 days was not done. In such a dilemma, instead of giving advice, you should first console yourself in the grief of your departure and the anxiety of future problems. It is misery beyond solace. You have to handle yourself in this.
What has become what is not in 10 days and In such a dilemma, instead of giving advice, one should first console. It is misery beyond solace, and one should console and take care of self.

Dr. Mohan Bhagwat, Sarsanghchalak of RSS addressed the 'Hum Jeetenge: Positivity Unlimited' lecture program on the last day of the event that began on 11th May and culminated on Saturday. Bhagwat discussed the situation arising from the Corona crisis and said that success and failure are not final. The courage to continue working matters.
At present, the Sangh volunteers are active I am taking care of the needs of society to the best of their abilities. These are difficult times and many dear ones have left who should not have gone but nothing can be done now as now it is circumstances and us. People who have left are no more and they now do not have to face the circumstances, but we are left to face them. One must keep safe, and we should not enter into negativity. I am not saying that everything is all right. The situation was filled with sadness around. is really perturbing and frustrating for humans.
The mind should not tire otherwise the situation becomes like a rat in front of the snake with nothing to protect and right now, we are undergoing that phase. But we don’t have to let that happen. There is hope as there is suffering. There is a crisis in society, but we should not despair and instead keep on fighting. Will listening to the news of 10-5 people leaving us every day, listening to the announcement that the situation is very grim through the media, will it fill us with bitterness. This will only lead to destruction. Humanity has moved forward by overcoming such difficulties and disappointments.
The cycle of life and death goes on
As per our belief system, we know that this cycle of life and death goes on. Man leaves the old body and takes a new body. These things cannot scare us.
Giving an example of the British Prime minister Winston Churchill Bhagwat said that when Churchill became Prime Minister of Britain a sentence was written on his table that we are not at all interested in discussing defeat, because we are not going to lose. We have to win. Churchill also won. It was with this trust that the people of Britain defeated the enemy. They were not disappointed.
Our failure led to a crisis and we must fight and take on this challenge with resolve and try to win it completely. Bhagwat said that after the first wave left, we all were in a state of confusion be it people, or the administration. The doctors were reminding us about the challenges, but we were confused and it is due to this the present crisis has worsened.
Now, there is talk of a third wave. Are you afraid of it? Do not be afraid. Prepare to fight it. That is what is needed. How many gems emerged during the Samudra Manthan (churning of the sea). The gems or the deadly poison could not stop the efforts and they succeeded in getting the nectar.
Forgetting all the differences, everyone must work together, and It does not matter if you wake up late. On the strength of collectiveness, we can move forward by increasing our speed, and a way to do it is first to keep yourself safe and healthy.
Addressing the RSS workers Bhagwat said, for this, it is necessary to strengthen the resolution. The second thing is to be alert. It is important to eat a healthy diet after proper consultation. Do believe anything blindly and put your own experience and scientific logic behind it before accepting it. Any such meaningless things should not go in society and we should not become sacrificial goats.
Bhagwat said don’t stay idle keep learning something new and take treatment with full caution.
Communicate with the children. Wear a mask. It is mandatory to have a relationship with each other by staying a safe distance. Similarly, take care of cleanliness. keep using sanitizers. We know everything, but we ignored and became careless. Some people hide their positivity as a disgrace and do not get treated quickly on time. If these people would have been treated on time, they would have come out of it with fewer medicines.
It is a test of our patience and the discussion on the circumstances to follow is not to create panic but to prepare ourselves and we should follow the guidelines and if we do it the right way, we will move forward in the right direction.
Our country has such resilience that we cannot be wiped out, but we must keep fighting. The circumstances will test out virtue and we should remove our defects and move on. This is also a test of our patience.
This will be the second year of children’s education lagging behind and we should ensure that they do not lag behind in gaining knowledge as they were supposed to acquire in 2 years, many people have lost their jobs. We should ensure that the daily wagers should not starve.

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