Concrete embankment built by Nepal government its side of Kali river poses risk to Indian side in Pithoragarh district

BD Kasniyal
GG News Bureau
Pithoragarh,2nd July. The Nepalese government is once again on confrontation path with India in the Indo-Nepal border in Pithoragarh district. Nepalese authorities have constructed concrete embankment on their side of River Kali at bordering Dharchula town without informing Indian authorities which is increased the risk of flash floods and Landslides on the Indian side of the river and Pithoragarh district administration officers said.
“Though it is their right to make embankment at their side bank of the river, but had they informed us of the construction, we would have taken precautions of river force towards our territory,”said Anand Swaroop district magistrate Pithoragarh.
According to the DM, after Nepal constructed complete embankment at their side of river Kali, the Ghatkhola ward of Dharchula town started sliding in recent rains. “though, we have controlled the situation but sense of fear heavy panic persist amongst our residents in Dharchula in monsoon rains this year “said the DM.
A delegation of Rang Kalyan Sanstha, a tribal cultural organisation based in Dharchula on June 20, met the state chief minister Tirath singh Rawat and made the chief minister aware of the possible flood situation in Dharchula town and invited the chief minister to visit the town. “We have informed the chief minister that if the situation arose out of Nepalese embankment would not, he controlled, the flood situation in Dharchula town might worsen this monsoon, “said Nrip Singh Napalchiyal patrol of the organization and former chairperson of state information commission.
Pithoragarh district magistrate said that the district administration has also prepared DPR to check the flow of river towards Indian side with the financial help from NABARD. “The concrete embankment inside India will be done in four stages, out of which we have already completed first stage of Indian embankment,” said the DM Pithoragarh.

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