BJP candidate Mahesh Jeena, was declared elected from Salt

BD Kahaniyan
GG News Bureau
Pithoragarh, 3rd May. BJP candidate Mahesh Jeena, was declared elected from Salt seat of Almora today.  Congress candidate Ganga Pancholi remained runner up. Almora district election officer Nitin Bhadauria said.
“After final rounds, BJP candidate Mahesh  Jeena  polled a total of 21874 votes while Congress candidate Ganga  pancholi, polled a total of 17177 Votes, the margin of victory for BJP candidate remained of 4697 votes.”said the election officer.
The Salt seat became vacant after death of sitting BJP MLA, surendra singh Jeena three months ago, after his death BJP has given ticket to his refer Brother for the by-election. Congress party had given ticket to last time runner up Ganga Pancholi, who was considered candidate of congress Between Harish Rawat.”the congress defeat was die to factionalism preSrnt in the party while BJP remained united under it’s high command , the sympathi bote factor also worked in favor of the party.”said Suresh Bhatt incharge of BJP campaign in the by-election.
The congress party sources accepted the defeat and said that it was use of government machinery and installation of fake votes in voting machines thay caused the BJP victory.”it was evident in a example, when total votes were find more than cast votes in a polling booth after 6th round, the incident was protested by congress party was election fc officials did not pay any attention to the complaint.”said Mathura Datt Joshi, state congress spokesperson.

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