Bangladeshis Denounce ‘India Out’ Social Media Campaign, Foiling Malevolent Plans

GG News Bureau
New Delhi, 27th Feb.
The recent ‘India Out’ social media campaign in Bangladesh has been outright rejected by the far-right political party Bangladesh Islamic Front. Following her historic fourth victory in the just concluded national elections, Sheikh Hasina—who is regarded as being close to Bharat—has escalated the campaign. General Secretary of Bangladesh Islamic Front S.U.M. Abdus Samad specifically attacked the online campaign, saying it was driven by radical elements that spread hatred and misinformation. Specifically criticizing the internet campaign, Abdus Samad claimed that radical elements behind it were disseminating hateful content.

Recently concluded elections saw 37 candidates run for office by the small independent party, the Islamic Front. As he emphasized the improved connectivity in recent years, Abdus Samad stated in an interview with a Bharatiya media outlet while in New Delhi that friendly relations are crucial for the two adjacent nations. There has been false information circulating since the beginning, according to Samad, that Bharat carried out cruel deeds in addition to importing a large amount of goods from Bangladesh in 1971. Such false information is this. It is crucial that Bharat demonstrates that it is friends with Bangladesh rather than hostile toward it.

Blogs claimed

In Bangladesh, a social media campaign called “India Out” has taken off. Following the election results, the campaign called for a boycott of Indian goods, spearheaded by medical professional Pinaki Bhattacharya, who identifies as an exiled blogger, online activist, and human rights defender. The movement, according to Bhattacharya’s social media followers—roughly 6,000 on Instagram and 53,000 on Instagram—is motivated by the Bharatiya government’s lone backing of Sheikh Hasina’s rule in Bangladesh. Bloggers claim that Bangladesh’s elections lacked both fairness and freedom.

Bloggers using these hashtags

“Boycott India”, “Boycott Indian Products”, and “India Out” are the three hashtags used by the bloggers spearheading this campaign. According to a report published by the Digital Forensics and Research and Analytics Center, social media boycotting does not appear to be a normal trend. According to the DFRAC report, “a closer examination of this trend reveals that the group that started this campaign has always been engaged in anti-Bharat activities in Bangladesh.” Many of those users identify as supporters of the BNP and other political parties in Bangladesh or are at least loosely connected to them. Fact-checking and identifying hate speeches are the main priorities of D-FRAC, an independent and nonpartisan media organization.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was praised by Abdus Samad

Reiterating that Bangladesh has been developing rapidly under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for many years, Abdus Samad said that this is just false information being disseminated. “Since the Sheikh Hasina government came to power, Bangladesh’s development has increased,” stated Abdus Samad, praising Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The ongoing enhancement of interpersonal relationships and connectivity between Bharat and Bangladesh was also emphasized by the general secretary of the Bangladesh Islamic Front. Regarding terrorism, religious fundamentalism, and Pakistan’s role in South Asia, Samad emphasized the importance of an Islamabad establishment that prevents terrorism from growing.

With the backing of smaller fundamentalist parties and pro-Pakistan political parties such as the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, the Islamic Front leader has made it clear that the so-called ‘India-Out’ campaign is restricted to a small online group. The campaign is not expected to have an effect on the strong relations between Bangladesh and Bharat.

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