A rare Himalayan Red fox spotted in higher reaches of Munsiyari brings cheers among nature lovers

BD Kasniyal

GG News Bureau
Pithoragarh,12th May. In a rare sighting, the nature lovers have spotted Vulpes Vulpes Griffithi, a rare Himalayan animal that is the sub specie of Himalayan red fox in Bhujani and Khalia top areas of Munsiyari at the height of 3000 meters in Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand.
“The animal, called Vulpes Vulpes griffithi a sub specie of red fox became was spotted for the first time in recent years as the animal has come to 3000 meters elevation, some 500 meters down from its natural habitats. “, Surendra Panwar, an animal lover and president of Monal, NGO, that works towards protection of high Himalayan animals from some 10 years.
“As we have been following the red fix and its sub species from last 2 years, we could not spot the animal but these days suddenly we have seen at least 8 sub species of red fox in this Himalayan region.” said Panwar.
According to Pithoragarh DFO Dr Vinay Bhargava, the sighting of rare high Himalayan animals including flocks of Monal bird, is result of long time protection measures taken by the forest department .
” Due to our awareness campaign for protection of these rare animals, the number of flocks and herds of some rare Himalayan animals has increased in the region, “said DFO Vinay Bhargava.
Speaking on the reason behind the high rate of sighting of these hitherto shy animals in comparably lower Himalayan areas, Surendra Panwar said that due to disturbance of their natural traditional habitats, the animals have started coming down to human settlements to survive on the leftovers
.”There are different reasons of disturbed habitats, it includes entry of people to their habitats to collect Kira Jardi or Yarsa Gambu , also called caterpillar fungus, some climate change patterns and decrease in the numbers of their prey due to human interference .” said Surendra Panwar who clicked the rare photo of the sub specie of ref fox at Khali top area, a week ago.

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