Uttrakhand Health Bulletin, 136 Positive,206 Recovered, 4 deaths and 3136 active cases

GG News Bureau
Dehradun, 20th June. The decline in Covid 19 cases in Uttarakhand has come as relief with only 136 positive and only 4 deaths reported while 206 recovered.
Sample Positivity was 6.40%. Recovery Percentage was 95.29%
Total cumulative Positive COVID-19 detected was 338644
Total Number (%) of COVID-19 Patients Treated/ Cured was 322681 (95.29%). The total Number (%) of COVID-19 patients migrated out of state: 5792 (1.71%). The Total Number (%) of COVID-19 Deaths was 7035 (2.08%). Number of samples found negative for COVID-19 today was 16043.The Total number of samples sent forCOVID-19 testing today was 16535.The Total number of cumulative samples found negative was 4951.

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