UNSG calls to end colonialism

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 25th May. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday said in a video message to the Organization’s decolonization seminar in Bali called for new ideas to end the era of colonialism and to help advance sustainable development in the world’s 17 remaining colonies.

Guterres told the Special Committee on Decolonization, or C-24, regional seminar “Our shared goal is to give greater priority to the decolonization agenda and spur accelerated action,”

The Committee is mandated to examine the application of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples was established by the General Assembly in 1961.

Over 80 former colonies, comprised some 750 million people, have gained independence since 1945. The ongoing process affects 17 non-self-governing territories, representing nearly 2 million people.

Guterres highlighted the seminar’s theme, advancing the SDGsin the territories, stated said that halfway to the deadline for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, “we are leaving more than half the world behind”.

Progress has stalled and, in some cases, even reversed,” he cautioned.

“The SDGs are the path to peace and prosperity for all on a healthy planet; no country can afford to see them fail.”

He warned for many non-self-governing territories that are small islands on the frontlines of the climate emergency, “the stakes are existential”.

“As a global community, we must ensure the territories have the resources and support you need to advance the SDGs, build resilience, and invest in your future,” he told delegates.

He said that the decolonization process must be guided by the aspirations and needs of the territories on a case-by-case basis.

Guterres expressed gratitude to the Committee for its commitment to the complete elimination of colonialism.

“I count on you to generate new ideas and open new pathways for stronger cooperation between the territories, administering Powers and other stakeholders, in accordance with relevant resolutions,” he said.

“Togetherwe can turn the tide and kickstart a new drive for SDG achievement in the territories and beyond,” he added.

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