Union government announces tunnel project to ease the congestion on the Road from Library Bazaar to IAS Academy in Mussoorie

GG News Bureau
New Delhi, 8th June. The road congestion woes of the tourist heading towards Kempty falls and the officials from Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), it seems would be over soon with the announcement of the Rs 700 crore 2.74-kilometre tunnel project by the Urban Road transport minister Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday.
Nitin Gadkari in a bid to reduce the traffic congestion on the Mussoorie roads has come out with the novel tunnel project. Tweeting about the project under the head Pragati ka highway he said,” For easier and congestion-free connectivity to Mussoorie town, Mall Road, and LBSSNA (IAS ACADEMY), Project Management Consultancy has been awarded for 2.74km long Mussoorie Tunnel which is being with a budget of 700 Cr on NH 707A.”
The announcement has delighted the local population who believe hat the tunnel will end its traffic woes permanently. The major traffic bottle neck was at the Gandhi Chowk on the road leading to Kempty Falls and LBSNAA Academy resulting in long and arduous traffic jams especially during peak summer season on frequent basis.
The proposed tunnel would start from Mackennan Cart road and end up at Kempty Fall Road and the estimated budget for the tunnel would be around Rs 700 crores.
The tunnel would also serve the pilgrims on their way to Yamnotri and Har Ki Doon in the Jansaar region and ease their travel time considerably.
Chandar Veer Khanduri a hotelier in Mussoorie said,” With this tunnel, the traffic congestion at Gandhi Chowk will ease considerably and provide relief to the tourist who are caught in the traffic jam for several hours during the season.
Sanjay Agarwal the secretary of Mussoorie Hotel association said that “ We welcome the move as it was much needed for the town and once constructed the tunnel would assist I in managing the traffic effectively as people on their way to Kempty Falls and Yamnotri will not have to enter the town.”
However, the environmentalist is of the view that the project should not be started before ay environmental impact assessment report. The environmentalist opined that the mountains in Mussoorie are made up of limestone and any anthropogenic intervention could prove detrimental for the fragile mountains.
The local Unit BP president Mohan Petwal retweeting Gadkaris tweet thanked the minister for the approval of the project and said that BJP government was committed to the development of the state and this tunnel project was evidence of that commitment.

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