Telangana: Harini Ends Her Life After ‘Boyfriend’ of 7 Years Akhtar Refuses to Marry Citing Religion

GG News Bureau

Hyderabad, 24th May. 23-year-old Harini is the latest victim of love jihad after her ‘boyfriend’ of seven years refused to marry her citing their different religions. The young girl ended her life on Sunday (May 22) at her residence in Nizamabad District’s Navipet.

Harini and Akhtar resided in the same village and entered into a relationship seven years ago. The victim hoped Akhtar would marry her after dating for such a long time and constantly questioned Akhtar about marriage. However, Akhtar, who had other plans, told her that his family members would not accept their marriage since they belonged to different religions. Furthermore, he told in no uncertain terms that he would not go against the wishes of the elders of his family.

According to reports, Akhtar never brought up religion when they were in a relationship but as soon as the question of marriage was brought up, he used it as an excuse to back out. In the meanwhile, Harini who could not take the rejection slipped into depression. On Sunday, when she was alone at home, she hung from the ceiling fan using a bedsheet and ended her life. Her parents returned home only to find their daughter dead and have been inconsolable since then.


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