Sonia Gandhi Asks PM Narendra Modi to Urgently Call an All Party Meeting to Review Corona Situation in Country

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 7th May. Congress President Sonia Gandhi has demanded an immediate all-party meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the condition of Corona in the country. Addressing a virtual meeting of the Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP), the Congress President said on Friday that there is a need to fight the epidemic more systematically and collectively and for this an all-party meeting needs to be called. This virtual meeting was attended by Congress MPs of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

Addressing the meeting, Sonia Gandhi said that the Modi government should call an all-party meeting soon on the condition of Corona in the country. In the last 24 hours on Friday, more than 4.14 lakh cases of corona infection were reported in the country and more than 3,900 people died. The Congress leader, while giving suggestions to fight the epidemic, also called for a meeting of standing committees to better fight Covid and ensure collective efforts.

Accusing the Government, Congress President said, “The system has not failed to fight Corona, but the Modi government has not been able to use the country’s strength and resources in the right way.” The Modi government has failed to run this country. Sonia further alleged that the government has not been able to supply oxygen, medicines and ventilators properly. She said, “Given the number of vaccines that the country needs, the government has not been able to place adequate orders in time.

Attacking the government’s Central Vista project, the Congress leader said that the Modi government has allocated thousands of crores of rupees for non-essential projects. Such projects have nothing to do with the livelihood of the common people. In her statement, Sonia said, ‘The Modi government has renounced its fundamental responsibilities and its duties towards the public. The Center ignored the alerts and warnings issued by the EGoM, the National Task Force and the Parliamentary Panel on the epidemic. ‘

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