Single Dose ‘Sputnik light’ Gets Approval, Claims to be 80% Effective

GG News Bureau

New Delhi, 7th May. A new variant of Russia’s Vaccine Sputnik has been launched. This vaccine, named Sputnik Light, has been claimed to be effective up to 80 percent. Only one dose of this vaccine is being said to provide protection against Covid-19.

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), which funded the vaccine, said in a statement that single-dose Stupnik light is more effective than the two-shot Sputnik V vaccine. Sputnik V is up to 91.6 percent effective, while Stupnik Light is up to 79.4 percent effective.

The result states that the vaccine was given in a comprehensive vaccination campaign in Russia between 5 December 2020 and 15 April 2021. Its data was taken 28 days later. Russia’s vaccine has been approved to be used in 60 countries. But it has not yet been approved by the European Medicine Agency (EMA) and the United States Food and Drugs Administration (FDA).

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