RSS Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale Calls Upon Hindus to Conquer World With ‘Spirituality’

4th World Hindu Congress will be held in 2026 in Mumbai next year

Kumar Rakesh

Bangkok (Thailand), 27th Nov. The 3rd World Hindu Congress concluded on November 26 with the slogan ‘Jayasya Ayatnam Dharma’. Many resolutions were taken for complete fulfillment. This is the unique feature of the World Hindu Congress – every resolution made here is achieved perfectly.

The most important resolution was to connect Hindus from all over the world and gain strength for the betterment of the world from the values of Hinduism.

The three-day mega conference concluded with the ‘Peace Mantra’ of Yajurveda. The conference also observed a minute’s silence in memory of the martyrs who laid down their lives for Maa Bharati in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack.

Addressing around 2,200 delegates from 61 countries across the world,  RSS Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale  called upon them to connect with every Hindu in contact with them and thus organise Hindu power. He quoted, “Swami Vivekananda had said ‘Hindus, conquer the world with your spirituality’, I think material progress and spiritual advancement will make us realise the great motto of the World Hindu Congress called ‘Jayasya Ayatnam Dharma’. ”

He further said, “Yesterday, a media person asked me this question, ‘How can delegates maximize the impact of their participation in this Congress in their individual capacity’ and I told them – ‘Each delegate has to spread this message in his personal dimension and social sphere.’ “

Mr. Hosabale said, “We have to connect others. Those who are willing to do something. Those who will not be able to participate in the Congress, those who have some ideas and who are already working in the field. We have to add each one of them. Networking with them will increase Hindu forces in our country. ”

Eminent saint Mata Amritanandamayi Amma also gave blessings in the meeting.

The 4th World Hindu Congress will be held in 2026 and the World Hindu Economic Forum Summit will be held in Mumbai next year.

The conference witnessed  around 50 sessions in parallel with focus on seven sections including  economy, education, academics,  media and political sector and youth and women.  More than 50  delegates from about 30 countries  participated in various sessions of the political forum and more than 650 delegates participated in the sessions of the Hindu Economic Forum and investment consultations were also organized for startups, in which three proposals were immediately approved.

According to the organising committee, all those associated with the political forum also called upon Hindu parliamentarians and political leaders around the world to remain united and in close contact with each other and cooperate with each other for political strengthening in their countries.

Swami Vigyananand, founder of the World Hindu Foundation and founder of the World Hindu Congress said, the purpose of this event is to increase the influence of Hindus in the world. He said that in today’s world, Hindus cannot get prestige unless they have a collective influence in the economy, education, academic, media and political spheres.

He said that this event is guided by the Hindu nature by gathering Hindu individuals who have effective influence in different countries and places in these areas and keeping the younger generation and women power in focus.  He said that in the World Hindu Congress, Hindus from all over the world discuss these aspects and decide the agenda ahead.

Vishwa Hindu Parishad Joint General Secretary Swami Vigyananand said that these five aspects are necessary for the progress of any society. He said that people of Hindu society were doing this individually but collectively the focus was not on these basic issues.  The focus has been on this for the last 10 years.

The two-and-a-half-day event saw the participation of over 2000 delegates from 61 countries, engaging in 47 sessions. Eminent speakers, including Dr. Mohan Bhagwat, PP Sarsanghchalak of the RSS, Shri Dattatreya Hosable, Sarkaryavah of the RSS, Shri Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman of Akshaya Patra, Swami Mitrananda of Chinmaya Mission, Swami Govind Dev Giri, Founder of Maharshi Vedavyas Pratishthan, Shri T. V. Mohandas Pai, Chairman 3one$ Capital, Shri Sridhar Vembu, CEO of Zoho, Shri Vipul Shah, Film Producer, Shri Vivek Agnihotri, Firm Director contributed their insights.

The World Hindu Congress had unveiled a WHC Declaration on the inaugural day of the World Hindu Congress 2023, Bangkok. In this declaration, the World Hindu Congress had strongly condemned the malicious attacks on Hindutva and Sanatan Dharma, and also renounced the term ‘Hinduism’ which was coined by a British Christian to denigrate Hindu Dharma as an ‘ism’ i.e. oppressive belief system. The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, in his written message had stated that Peace will be established in the world only through Hindu values of life.

The World Hindu Congress 2023 concluded with a sense of unity, inspiration, and a renewed commitment to the timeless values of Hindu Dharma.

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