PM Modi promised to retrieve  ₹3,000 crore that had embezzled from  state’s poor residents

GG News Bureau
New Delhi, 3rd April. 
Prime Minister Narendra Modi caused a stir during West Bengal’s current elections when he promised to retrieve and return almost ₹3,000 crore that had allegedly been embezzled from the state’s poor residents. Promising justice for the victims, PM Modi’s initiative faced immediate objections from the Trinamool Congress. They denounced the announcement, saying it was against the Model Code of Conduct and that the cases it referenced involved delicate legal issues. This conversation highlights the increased political unrest and moral discussions influencing West Bengal’s election environment.

In a phone call with Amrita Roy, the BJP candidate for Krishnanagar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reaffirmed his dedication to fighting corruption and making sure West Bengalis receive justice. He voiced his worries about the purported embezzlement of almost ₹3,000 crore from the state’s poor residents. In his speech, Prime Minister Modi stressed the necessity of taking strong legal action to reclaim these “looted” monies and give them back to the West Bengali people, who are their true owners.


In his statement, Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed his resolve to take all legal actions necessary to hold those accountable who take advantage of the weak and mismanage public funds. With respect to the socio-economic conditions of West Bengal, PM Modi sent a clear message about transparency and accountability in governance when he declared his intention to investigate legal actions.


The Prime Minister’s pledge to guarantee the repatriation of purportedly embezzled funds aligned with his overarching goal of empowering the underprivileged and preserving the values of justice and equity. His words demonstrated a proactive strategy for combating systemic corruption and reestablishing public confidence in institutions of government.

Trinamool’s prompt reaction

In response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposal to reimburse the people of West Bengal for allegedly embezzled funds, the Trinamool Congress promptly voiced their objections and declared the initiative to be in violation of the Model Code of Conduct. Sukhendu Sekhar Roy, a Rajya Sabha MP for the Trinamool Congress, spearheaded the initiative, outlining the party’s concerns and drawing attention to the intricate legal issues surrounding the cases that PM Modi brought up.

First, the Trinamool Congress claimed that PM Modi had broken the Model Code of Conduct, which outlines standards for moral behavior during elections, by offering to reimburse the people of West Bengal for their money. They contended that announcing policy during an election campaign could unfairly benefit one political party and unduly sway public opinion, particularly when it came to divisive topics like the distribution of recovered funds.

Sukhendu Sekhar Roy, MP for the Trinamool Congress, also brought attention to the complexities of the law pertaining to the cases that PM Modi cited. He made a point of saying that many of these cases were sub judice, which meant that the courts were still deliberating over them and had not yet rendered a decision. According to Roy’s statement, any statements or assurances made in relation to these cases—especially by senior government officials—may taint the legal process and jeopardize the independence of the judiciary.

Through emphasising the cases’ status as sub judice, the Trinamool Congress aimed to raise questions about the timing and validity of PM Modi’s proposal, suggesting that it might have been driven by political considerations. Furthermore, their criticism of the breach of the Model Code of Conduct sought to paint PM Modi’s initiative as a petty attempt to manipulate public opinion in the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) favor prior to the elections.

Political Repercussions

The pledge made by Prime Minister Modi to retrieve and restitute purportedly embezzled funds directly tackles a major issue that worries West Bengal voters: corruption. Voters who have lost faith in the state due to incidents of corruption and poor management may find great resonance in this. By presenting the BJP as a force committed to combating corruption, it may persuade voters who are on the fence and strengthen the party’s base of support.

The declaration intensifies West Bengal’s already heated election battle. Through addressing corruption head-on, PM Modi and the BJP are putting the Trinamool Congress government’s record on accountability and governance to the test. This might intensify campaign rhetoric and the political rivalry between the two parties.

The objections raised by the Trinamool Congress against PM Modi’s proposal draw attention to possible ethical and legal issues about when and how to handle allegations of corruption during an election campaign. This could lead to discussions and debates about whether or not such announcements are appropriate and if they follow the law and electoral procedures.

Sway over voters

PM Modi’s pledge to find the “looted” money and give it back to the West Bengali people could improve the BJP’s reputation as a party that values accountability and openness. This has the potential to increase public confidence in the BJP’s ability to fight corruption and govern effectively, which could swing voters in its direction.


On the other hand, the objections of the Trinamool Congress and their claims of political retaliation could raise questions about the genuineness and intentions of PM Modi’s pledge. This could cause some voters to doubt the announcement’s veracity and see it as a premeditated attempt to gain an electoral advantage rather than a sincere attempt to combat corruption.

BJP’s Position

The BJP is probably going to spin PM Modi’s remarks as evidence of its steadfast dedication to eliminating corruption from West Bengal’s political system. With this display of leadership against corruption, the BJP hopes to set itself apart from the Trinamool Congress and win over voters who want accountability and change.

The BJP’s backing of PM Modi’s proposal is indicative of its belief that voters will respond favorably to anti-corruption measures and its faith in the electorate’s openness to them. The party intends to use PM Modi’s legitimacy and popularity to garner support and expand its electoral base in West Bengal.


Interactions with Candidates

Through phone calls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been actively interacting with BJP candidates in West Bengal in an effort to uplift their spirits and emphasize their importance to the party’s electoral plan. Notably, PM Modi spoke over the phone with Rekha Patra, the Basirhat candidate, and Amrita Roy, the Krishnanagar BJP candidate. PM Modi reportedly complimented Amrita Roy’s candidacy and emphasized her significance as the BJP’s representative in Krishnanagar during their conversation. He probably stressed how important her role was in connecting with the constituency’s voters and promoting the party’s agenda. In a similar vein, PM Modi probably praised Sandeshkhali-born Rekha Patra as a symbol of tenacity and strength during their conversation, demonstrating the BJP’s dedication to advancing women in politics.

The BJP uses these phone calls for a variety of reasons. They convey to the candidates not only the party’s leadership’s support and endorsement of their campaigns, but also a boost in morale. They also give PM Modi a chance to interact personally with voters in important constituencies and reaffirm the party’s electoral platform.

What the Enforcement Directorate is doing

Mahua Mitra, the candidate for the Trinamool Congress, was summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED), according to reports that have surfaced, further complicating the political situation in West Bengal. Mitra is running for office in the coming elections, so it raises questions and calls attention to possible legal and political repercussions when a federal investigative agency like the ED summons her.

Trinamool Congress leaders have fiercely defended Mitra in the wake of these events, denouncing the ED’s actions as politically motivated and part of a larger pattern of persecution against party members. They contend that the Trinamool Congress is being undermined and discredited by rival parties, especially the BJP, in advance of the elections, and that this is why Mitra was called in.


Leaders of the Trinamool Congress, such as Sukhendu Sekhar Roy, have presented the ED’s actions as an attempt to intimidate and harass their candidates, rather than as a sincere attempt to enforce the law. They have promised to oppose any attempts to sabotage Mitra’s election campaign, portraying her as the victim of a political vengeance.

In conclusion, a divisive discussion during election season has been sparked by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pledge to return allegedly “looted” money in West Bengal. The Trinamool Congress objected to the announcement, citing legal complications and potential violations of the Model Code of Conduct, a move that highlights the extreme polarization between political parties. This divisive response is a reflection of the fierce competition that permeates the political environment. Furthermore, since the problem of corruption has a strong emotional connection with voters and has the power to influence election results, the possible influence on voter perceptions is still considerable. The ongoing dispute emphasizes how crucial moral leadership and openness are to building public confidence and establishing political legitimacy in West Be

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