Over a dozen villages situated at Indo Nepal border cut off due to damaged roads in Pithoragarh district

BD Kasniyal

GG News Bureau

Pithoragarh, 27th June. Normal life in remote areas situated at Indo China and Indo Nepal border has been put out of the gear as the roads have been blocked due to heavy the first spell of monsoon rains.
“Over a dozen villages situated at Indo NepaL border in Pithoragarh district have been cut of f from main roads from last 15 days as the only road to the area. The Salla to Rotgara road constructed under PMGSY has been damaged with the mudslide falling on the road resulting in extensive damage and we are compelled to travel over 7 km to buy essentials and finding difficulty in taking the ill and elderly to nearest hospitals for treatment, “said Prakash Ram, a resident of Rotgara village at Indo- Nepal border.
According to district disaster management office sources in district headquarter, over 15 village roads and some NH have been shut due to heavy rains. “we are deploying essential machinery at the damaged spots to open these roads soon,” said Bhupendra Singh, DDMO of Pithoragarh.
According to reports received from Bangapani sub division of the district, the BRO, that has been given task to open Jauljibi to Munsiyari road is not in capacity to open it soon as they have do not have required machinery.
“On one hand, our cultivable land is being washed away by River Gori every year, while on the other closed roads has resulted in shortages of essential commodities. “said Narayan Ram, a resident of Umargara village of Nanga pani sub division.
According to weather department sources in Dharchula over 32.60mm rains in last 24 hours, resulted in increasing of water level of River Kali at 880.60 meters above sea level causing danger to towns of Dharchula, Jauljibi and Baluakot situated by the bank of river.
According to reports received from Champawat district over 7 rural roads are closed due to heavy slides on these roads.
“The Lati Riyansi to Tarkuli road, the main link road to the villages around Tamli area , is closed from last week resulting shortage o of essential supply reaching the villagers and we have requested PMGSY engineers to open it soon. “said Shailesh Joshi, a BJP youth leader in Champawat.
According to Pithoragarh district magistrate instruction to depute essential machinery to open village roads have been issued by him. “We hope all closed toads except some long roads, could be opened in next two days. “said Anand Swroop, district magistrate Pithoragarh.


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