OHCHR reports tribal violence flares up in Papua New Guinea

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau
UN human rights office in Geneva on Tuesday said that the Government of Papua New Guinea must effectively address escalating tribal violence.

OHCHR said that the authorities are urged to engage with provincial and local leaders in a dialogue to achieve durable peace and respect for human rights in the remote Highlands region.

The appeal came after the latest outbreak of violence between warring tribes in Papua New Guinea which occurred on Sunday in Enga province. At least 26 people were killed.

OHCHR Spokesperson Jeremy Laurence said conflicts among 17 tribal groups have progressively escalated, since elections in 2022, over a range of issues including land disputes and clan rivalries.

“The clashes have increasingly turned deadly due to a proliferation of firearms and ammunition in the region,” he said.

“We call on the Government to ensure the surrender of all arms, particularly mass-produced firearms.”

OHCHR urged the Government to take immediate measures to address the root causes of the violence, and to work toward tribal reconciliation.

The Highland communities, women and girls, must be protected, and further harm to them prevented, it concluded.

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