Jammu and Kashmir: Three terrorists killed in encounter in Pulwama

GG News Bureau
Jammu,14th July. The security forces succeeded in killing three terrorist in an encounter with in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district including one of the terrorist said to be a top commander of terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) identified as Aijaz alias Abu Huraira from Pakistan.
The gunfight took place after the team of the police and army cordoned off the area and conducted a search operation in the early hours of Wednesday on receiving a tip of of the presence of the terrorit in the area.
The terrorist on finding themselves cornered from all sides opened fire forcing the security forces to respond accordingly. Incriminating materials including arms and ammunition recovered. Search going on,” said a tweet from the J&K Police. The other two terrorists who were killed were locals. The encounter started on Tuesday night after security forces launched a cordon-and-search operation in Pulwama town.

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