Gustakhi Maaf Haryana- Pawan Kumar Bansal – Book review.

 Book review.
The “Textbook of Nutritional Biochemistry” published by Springer Nature, was launched on April 10, 2024 in the University of Delhi South Campus. The textbook is written by the teachers of the University of Delhi for the students of the university; namely Prof. Darshan Malik (Shivaji College), Dr. Nandita Narayanasamy (Sri Venkateswara College), Dr. V. A. Pratyusha (Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women), Dr. Jayita Thakur (Shivaji College) and Dr. Nimisha Sinha (Sri Venkateswara College).
The event was graced by dignitaries like Padma Shri Prof. S. K. Sopory, former VC, JNU; Prof. Shri Prakash Singh; Director, South Campus; Prof. K C Bansal, former director, NBPGR, Prof. R. S. Sangwan, founder VC, AcSIR and Dr. Naren Aggarwal, Editorial Director, Springer Nature. Various eminent scientists and illustrious personalities like Padma Shri Shovana Narayan were also present for the momentous occasion.
This textbook aims at providing an in-depth understanding of the relationship between diet, nutrients, health, diseases, and drug treatment. This book builds concepts from the very basics of food chemistry to advanced biochemical perspective, making it equally useful to beginners and advanced readers alike. Additionally, the textbook also covers topics of current interest like nutraceuticals, food, and nutrient interactions; the newly emerging field of the human microbiome, its interdependence on diet and human health as well as the public health concerns which is a looming burden of non-communicable diseases. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the book, it would be beneficial to students of various courses like Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Life Sciences, Home Science; Nutrition and Dietetics, Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, and Nursing under the NEP syllabi. ​This book is already listed in the syllabi of multiple courses of the University of Delhi under the NEP and is being introduced in other universities as well. The textbook is available on all leading online and offline platforms worldwide.

Gustakhi Maaf Haryana- Pawan Kumar Bansal.

Wait for upcoming book” Hidden shades of forestry – the other side” by our enlightened reader retired IFS Haryana Vinod Bhatia. It evokes a sense of uncovering the lesser-known aspects of forest goverance. Does it convey slow death of forest ecosystems, management, and conservation though claims are exactly the opposite. The title suggests taking a deep dive into the complexities of forests that go beyond the surface-level understanding of forestry. Common perception is Forestry means growing or felling of trees, perhaps arranging trips for babudom, judiciary and politicians to the core forest areas, creamy postings, interface with forest based industries and the bold and the beautiful Forest Conservation Act, 1980.

The title is slightly intriguing but Hidden does not mean so Hidden which needs to be excavated as everything is already in public domain. Let me explain as it :

* Highlights the ‘hidden’ aspects, indicating there are elements of forestry that are not immediately apparent or widely discussed.
* Uses ‘shades’ to suggest diversity, reflecting the various layers and nuances of forest-related topics.
* Focuses on ‘forestry’, which is a broad field encompassing ecological, social, and economic dimensions and
* Discusses The Other Side which means a personalized opinion on the working and adminstrative issues. The other ones retain their right to criticize me, hate me or may have an all together different perspective. Since it is based on personal experience it will be more close to the truth than fiction stuff.
If you’re looking for a book that emphasizes the exploration of intricate and possibly controversial issues within forestry, “Hidden Shades of Forestry” is going to be fitting. This is a book by a qualified Forester and takes you on a journey of exploration starting from day 1 through 30 years. It has all the possible ingredients of both thought-provoking and descriptive hinting at a comprehensive examination of the subject.

“Hidden Shades of Forestry” is a compelling title that evokes a sense of uncovering the lesser-known aspects of forest management with special reference to the working of Forest Department in Haryana. It explains as to how the department grapples with goverance challenges, shadow forestry practices, interofficer tussles for grabbing creamy postings and submissions of the higher ups to non technical administrators for appeasing and sqeezing. The story perhaps is no different in other states but this book explores various faces of foresters and Forestry in Haryana through the Eyes of a professional Forester.

So keep waiting. The book will be coming soon…Remember Hidden Shades of Forestry…The Other Side.

Gustakhi Maaf Haryana-Pawan Kumar Bansal.

Postmortem of news – GMDA , Gurugram using media to cover its failures.

Yesterday a leading national daily had carried five-column news from Gurugram dateline with reporter’s byline titled “Gurugram : Illegal cafes on Leopard trail face demolition”

A casual reading of the heading gives the impression that Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority is doing excellent work.

News-item starts with “The Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority on Monday said it will demolish 13 unauthorised commercial establishments located on the Leopard Trail near Gairatpur Bas village in Gurugram unless their owners get the requisite permissions.It further writes
” GMDA said these establishments- illegal restaurants, makeshift eateries and amusement- parks have been built on agriculture-land that has been leased for a period of eight to ten years from landowners at a rent of Rs eighty thousand to one Lakh per month in complete violation of urban development rules.
What an art of image building and covering its failures in checking illegal constructions.
And GMDA instead of lodging FIR is providing the violaters of rule- amnesty scheme what proudly said RS Bhatt ,DTP,GMDA.Mr Bhatt having failed to check violations said that we have already issued notices to the owners of these establishments and told them either to take CLU permission from us at the earliest or a fresh notice will be served to them after which demolition will be carried out.

Instead of reporting the utterance of Mr Bhatt any Investigative journalist would have asked him why they are issuing notice after notice instead of demolition when you say they’re illegal? It is widely believed that authorities action in issuing notices is eye- wash.Where were they when illegal constructions were raised and ?
Who gave them electric- connection? News says that even swimming- pools have been made operational without any consent from the competent authority.
Are GMDA ,Police ,Town Planning Department and other authorities sleeping.. When contacted RS Bhatt said that he has recently joined and will take strict action as per law .
We will do best as a comprehensive effort in removing such violations.Moreover we are on job to take action in strict manner
So I have asked record of all notices issued in this case
If notices are complete as per law we will take action directly not any new notices.Also to see about any litigations involved as will be clear from record . A Sreeniwas CEO of GMDA didn’t responded to text message.. Tailpiece.Who will bell the cat that a former Haryana Minister and BJP leader is also among the violaters.

Gustakhi Maaf Haryana- Pawan Kumar Bansal.

By our enlightened reader Ashok Bishnoi retired HCS officer Haryana.Khattar was 100 percentage to lose if Arvind Sharma would have been a candidate !?

Actually BSHooda is hands in glove with BJP to save himself from ED.CBI especially in Manesar Land Acquisition case and National Herald Pkl case !!So he sabotaged smartly the joining of Arvind Sharma in to Cong .Still No One including the Punjabi are happy with Khattar in Karnal .Let us see the finals ,!!!!! Tailpiece. Hooda is supporting two’Candidates for Loksabha .He is Supporting Daan Singh a Yadav for Bhiwani Mahendergah to appease Ahir Votes of Kosli .One Brahmin for Sonipat to impress the Brahmin of Rohtak for a easy win of Rtk !!

Gustakhi Maaf Haryana-Pawan Kumar Bansal.

Post mortem of news – GMDA , Gurugram using media to cover it’s failures.
Yesterday, a leading national daily had carried a five column news with a Gurugram dateline titled “Ggm : Ilegal cafes on ‘ Leopard trail‘ face demolition. A casual reading of heading gives the impression that Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority is doing excellent work. News item starts with “The Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority on Monday said it will demolish unauthorised commercial establishments located on the Leopard Trail near Gairatpur Bas village in Gurugram unless their owners get the requisite permissions. It further says ” GMDA said these establishments- illegal restaurants, makeshift eateries and amusement parks have been built on agriculture Land that has been leased for a period of eight to ten years from landowners at a rent of rupees eighty thousand to one Lakh per month in complete violation of urban development rules. “ What an art of image building and covering it’s failures in checking illegal constructions. And GMDA ,instead of lodging FIR, is providing the violators of rules an amnesty scheme. That is what is proudly and shamelessly being claimed by said RS Batth ,DTP ,GMDA. Batth, having failed to check violations, says notices had already been issued to the owners of these establishments and they have been directed either to take CLU permission from them at the earliest or a fresh notice will be served on them after which demolition will be carried out. Instead of reporting the version of Batth any Investigative journalist would have asked him why they are issuing a series of notices instead of resorting to demolitions when these structures are claimed to be illegal? It is widely believed that authorities’ action of issuing notices is merely an eye-wash. What were they doing when illegal constructions were being made and who gave them electricity connections . News says that even swimming pools are existing for which no permissions have been obtained from the competent authorities .Are GMDA ,Police ,Town Planning Department and other authorities sleeping ? In public interest , the government should disclose why some officers are repeatedly being posted in Gurugram in one wing or the other when their past credentials are doubtful. Why can’t ED and CBI probe accumulation of their wealth?When contacted RS Bhatt said that he has recently joined and will take strict action as per law .
We will do best as a comprehensive effort in removing such violations.Moreover we are on job to take action in strict manner
So I have asked record of all notices issued in this case
If notices are complete as per law we will take action directly not any new notices.Also to see about any litigations involved as will be clear from record . A Sreeniwas CEO of GMDA didn’t responded to text message.. Tailpiece.Who will bell the cat that a former Haryana Minister and BJP leader is also among the violaters.

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