Gustakhi Maaf Haryana- Pawan Kumar Bansal.

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First article by Colonel Ashok Kumar Ahlawat of Gochi in Haryana.
The Leopard who had died of shame?

-Story of a brave how he had killed a leopard mistaking him dog.
In a certain Officers Mess of a Sikh battalion hangs the skin of a leopard.And under it hangs a brass plate with these words engraved upon it’,THE LEOPARD WHO DIED OF SHAME.’
And this is the story about how this beautiful and speckled feline trophy came to adorn the mess wall.
War was imminent.It was the winter of 1971 and the battalion was bivoucked in Meghalaya jungles.Just in the shadow of the East Pakistan border.
The officers spent the day out on patrols.These were followed by lengthy debriefings and operational conferences.
The discussions lasted well into the night.After that the officers came to the solitary bell shaped mess tent.
This was the best place.They played bridge in the light of the kerosene lanterns.
.The meal got late and the poor man whose duty iwas to wash the mess utensils sat on an empty jerrycan waiting for the meal to get over
.He was young lad from Haryana.His trade was masalchi.This trade is the appendage of the times when armies marched at 3 am to beat the Indian heat
.The masalchis job was to prepare and light the torches to illuminate the camp.Now his job had mutated to illuminating,cleaning and shining the mess war
He .heard the roistering of the officers.Someone was playing the harmonica and an officer who was fond of singing was singing a Sehgal number.Out side the tent masalchi Pooran Mal sat and dozed.He felt like smoking a beedi.He was addicted to the bad habit.The night wore on and the cicadas and crickets buzzed in the forest all around.The men had slept.The sentry coughed and moonlight glinted off his naked bayonet.He got up and walked to the bushes.There were strict blackout orders.The flare of him striking his match flickered for a second.
Itwas past midnight when the officers left the mess tent.The mess havildar was a mini tyrant.He wanted everything cleaned and spick and span before closing the mess.Pooran Mall faced a pile of utensils and cooking vessels.He was sitting next to a water trailer tank.The hirsute Mess Havildar came and stood over him.He ran a hand over his rope like mouche and said,”Well Pooran Mall,your job starts now.I want everything spick and span by breakfast time.I am off.”
A sleepy Pooran Mall sat nodding in sleep and scrubbing the utensils with ash powde
A sooty lantern gave out yellow rheumy light.He threw away the meat bones from the pannikin
.The water was cold.He wished the mess havildar allowed him some hot water for cleaning up
The grease would come off quicker.But the havildar said that precious kerosene oil couldn’t be wasted to give hot water to the masalchi
.He was lost in his thoughts when he heard some movement behind him.Then the sound of crunching of bones.
He noted that a stray dog was eating the bones.He didn’t even look back.He continued working,his fingers rubbing the smoke blackened surfaces.
The dog finished chewing the bones, growled and slithered up behind his back
.Pooran Mall felt the animals hot breath on his neck.Pooran was washing the heavy ladle which the cook used to fry poories.He got up and saw a beautiful fat dog showing him fangs.He thought what different kind of dogs they have here.He swung the laddle with force and whacked the dog hard on his head.The dog howled and ran away.

Next morning the mess havildar shook him up.”Come the CO sahab wants you.
“The officers were standing around something golden and black on the ground.A pang of regret ran through Pooran.He had only meant to shoo the dog away
.He told the CO sahib,”Sir the dog was pestering me,I only tried to shoo him away.I just tapped him lightly.”
The officers started laughing.The poor man didn’t even know that it was a leopard.The CO then said,”Well Pooran Mall if you didn’t kill him then he has probably died of shame for having been mistaken for a dog.”.And thereby hangs a tale.


Gustakhi Maaf Haryana-Pawan Kumar Bansal.

Trouble is mounting for Arvind Kejriwal as Supreme Court not giving immediate relief and only issuing notice to Enforcement Directorate on his petition challenging his arrest by Enforcement Directorate and and his Cabinet colleague Raaj Kumar Anand quitting the party alleging rampant corruption in the government ,.Earlier Delhi High Court has dismissed his petition challenging his arrest by Enforcement Directorate and now Supreme Court has asked ED to reply by 24th April.It seems that the ghost of much-publicised excise -policy of the Delhi Government is haunting not only Arvind Kejriwal but also his government and his party .His dream of running the government from Tihar Jail where he is lodged in connection with Liquor-gate scam has been shattered by Delhi govt’s vigilance directorate by terminating his P.A, Bibhav Kumar on the grounds that the prescribed procedure was not followed in his appointment and he was facing charges of preventing a public servant from discharging his duty and assault on him.His cabinet colleague Manish Sisodia is already in jail and Sanjay Singh has been just released on bail in this scam. To add to his worries, Enforcement Directorate has sought non- bailable warrants against party M.L.A., Amanatullah Khan. Resignation by Minister Raaj Kumar Anand alleging corruption in Delhi government has put Arvind Kejriwal in an awkward and defenceless position who was playing victim-card alleging that PM,Narender Modi was planning to get his democratically- elected government dismissed as he was in the forefront of forming anti- N.D.A.- alliance. Anand is facing money- laundering case and ED had conducted raids at his residence and other locations came out with shocking- statement ”AAP was formed to fight corruption,but it is now embroiled in it and it has become difficult for me to work as a minister” further alleging that Dalits didn’t get respect in the party. Delhi BJP Secretary Bansuri Swaraj sharpened her attack by saying that Anand’s resignation testifies that both the AAP and Arvind Kejriwal had lost their credibility in Delhi while on the other hand, the Minister Saurabh Singh and Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Singh tried to downplay the issue alleging that BJP was using ED and CBI for “breaking our ministers and MLAs”. Ironically Arvind Kejriwal who rose from an R.T.I activist to CM of Delhi by raising the issue of corruption in the Congress government is accused of indulging in corruption not by his political opponents but by his cabinet colleague. Kejriwal’s arrest will adversely affect the party’s campaign in Delhi and Punjab where it has a significant presence. According to political analysts watching the rise of the Aam Adami Party since its inception, Arvind Kejriwal is himself responsible for the present state of affairs. Due to his arrogance and dictatorial style of functioning, the Aam Aadmi Party has lost important leaders namely Prashant Bhushan, Kumar Vishvas and Yogender Yadav. Even he invited the annoyance of Courts by frequently defying the summons of the Enforcement Directorate calling the move politically motivated. Courts have rightly pointed out that Kejriwal cannot question the provision of making someone an approver although, during a hearing in courts, he tried to put his points that those who have given statements against him to the Enforcement Directorate were pressurised by the government by registering cases against them. Even if Kejriwal gets bail at a later stage, he will not be in a position to campaign against NDA nationwide aggressively. It is believed that the resignation of Minister Raaj Kumar Anand is only the tip of the iceberg and in the future party may face more desertions, under strategic moves of NDA. Kejriwal’s insistence on running the government from the Jail has proved counter-productive. From Jail, he tried to project his wife Sunita Kejriwal as his undeclared successor causing heart-burning within the rank and file of the party. Ideally, Kejriwal should have tendered his resignation and left it to the party- Legislators to elect a new leader. Kejriwal heavily depended upon a caucus consisting of Raghav Chadda, and Swati Maliwal inter-alia. He embroiled himself in the controversy by spending crores of rupees in the renovation of his official- residence contrary to his professed image of the common man. Akalis accused him of running the Punjab government headed by Bhagwant Maan via remote control. Now that Kejriwal is in jail and Raghav Chhada reportedly has gone abroad, Sanjay Singh and Bhagwant Maan have emerged as powerful leaders in the party.


Gustakhi Maaf Haryana-Pawan Kumar Bansal


Centre to probe allegations that Nestle’s baby food products contains added sugar-

Bhupinder Singh Hooda has long time back as CM Haryana has overlooked the Nestle’s blatant violations! Read my about a decade’s old investigate report in country’s leading investigate Journalism magazine Tehelka titled ” Milk of Hooda’s Kindness’! link of story is given and readers are requested to read to know as how Hooda then CM of Haryana despite warning of Rakesh Gupta then Commissioner FDA that Nestle is facing probe has not only inaugurated Company’s second unit in Panipat but has praised products of Nestle’s “Company has been active in India for past 100 years and in Haryana for the past two decades adding that their products such as chocolate,milk products, Instant Coffee and cold drinks are famous and popular all over:Urging Nestle’s to open milk collection centre’s in faraway places of the State to increase the production of milk and milk products adding that Haryana Government will join hands with the private sector for this noble cause which will benefit both the investor’s and farmers “! Hooda’s praise of Nestle was clear indication to officers for going slow on the investigation against Nestle! When Nestle’s representatives from Switzerland rushed to Haryana and had met Hooda he directed the health department to not to tarnish the company’s image as the multinational company has invested a lot in Haryana “:


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