Global Honour for PM Narendra Bhai Modi is Pride for Bharat( India)

Kumar Rakesh
Kumar Rakesh

Kumar Rakesh

GG News Bureau

An unbelievable incident in Papua New Guinea on May 22, 2023 has glorified India’s global pride and honor to a great extent. This incident in Papua New Guinea is incredible and unprecedented. In the history of the world, no head of state has ever publicly touched the feet of another head of state.

Perhaps this represents the new India’s dignity, aura, modesty, and polite manner. Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a small Christian country with a population of only 10 million people.

These instances show how Narendra Bhai Modi’s self-behavior, affinity, and particular affinity have the power to leave an impression on everyone in world politics and governance.

Perhaps it is for all of these reasons that Narendra Bhai Modi has been ranked first in the world for the last 3-4 years.

We admire Mr. James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea who embraced the beautiful culture and values of India and raised the prestige of his country in the world.

Despite the fact that Papua New Guinea is a Christian country, Prime Minister Mr. Marape sought the blessings of India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Bhai Modi, by touching his feet during his official visit, going beyond all the declared protocols. PM Modi gave him a pat on the back and embraced him like brother Bharat of great epic Ramayana overjoyed with love and respect. It was such a moving sight, similar to Ayodhaya’s Ram and Bharat’s meet.

It is believed that the key cause for this exuberance was Mr. Modi’s assistance to his country throughout the crisis. Mr. Modi provided free medicines and vaccines to Papua New Guinea during the Corona time, for which the entire country was grateful and continues to be thankful. The 22nd of May, 2023, has been marked as a new day in world history.

According to an All India History compilation project,there was a Sanatan Hindu empire from Purushpur (today’s Peshawar) to Papua New Guinea one and a half thousand years ago. This simple act of touching the feet has recombined and completed the dispersed threads of our old Sanatan Hindu civilization. This is a beautiful comforting image of India with changing India, prosperous India, cultured, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam ethos of India with global victorious tricolor.

Prior to this, US President Mr. Joe Biden had praised Mr. Modi’s popularity in Japan on May 21, then took his autograph. America has never praised any country or person with such a free voice. Before that, in the G-20 meeting last year, the video of the American President had become a topic of discussion all over the world, in which he himself had hugged Modi from behind.

Earlier, on January 9, 2023, during the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas in Indore, Guyana’s President, Dr. Irfan Ali, complimented Prime Minister Narendra Bhai Modi openly, particularly for giving Guyana life during the Corona period and for providing free vaccines.₹

A similar atmosphere was created in the main auditorium of the United Nations in 2015, as I witnessed first-hand. More than 30 heads of state had taken selfies with PM Modi at the time. Shri S Jaishankar was in official duty as bureaucrat at the time, and he is now in political service as union minister of government of India .

Since 2014, those spiritual powers for India have been in a permanent state of awakening, which is why nothing could damage India despite several Chinese machinations, as thought by China and other opponents. This is for a specific reason. The main reason is that there is a person who continues to do the one-of-a-kind effort of connecting all those abilities into one stream. He works tirelessly for the national interest, day and night. The name of that eternal and spiritual bridge is ‘Prime Minister Narendra Bhai Modi’.

Whatever others say, that person’s spiritual and worldly energy got things done, is getting them done, and will get them done, as a result of which India has now become the world’s fifth economic power, and we can soon be at the top.

We’re watching, the rest of the world is watching, and everyone is watching. India came out of the gigantic trap of the Corona outbreak due to this special person’s specific initiatives. By the way, many so-called developed countries, including China and the United States, are still caught in the Corona vicious circle.

The entire world recognizes the magnificence and power of our Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and Shastras, as well as India’s Ramcharit Manas and Bhagavad Gita. With the exception of a few outlier societies, more than 100 countries throughout the world praise India for the good job done during the Corona period by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. India also honors him for his outstanding magical work. But many leaders of the opposition have forgotten India’s values and culture, so what can anyone do?

Mr. Modi is shining brightly in these global events, but the opposition appears desperate. If the opposition parties had any sense of national responsibility, they would have praised Narendrabhai Modi as Prime Minister of India. This would establish a new tradition and send a new message to the country.

The respect Narendra bhai Modi receives outside of India is the respect of India, the respect of every Indian, not Shri Modi’s personal respect. I wish our desperate and selfish opponents could see this!

Kumar Rakesh

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