Disarmament official says Ukrainian civilians forced to live ‘unbearable routine’ of Russian attack

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

UNITED NATIONS, 19th May. UN deputy disarmament official Adedeji Ebo on Thursday said that Ukramnian civilians are forced to live through an “unbearable routine”, after alarming levels of destruction and damage to their communities.

Adedeji Ebo briefed the members of the Security Council on the issue of Western weapons supplies to Ukraine called by Russian Federation in the light of ongoing conflict.

Mr. Ebo said the transfers of weapons systems and ammunition from Western governments backing Kyiv, was no secret, including battle tanks, combat aircraft, missile systems and helicopters.

“There have also been reports of States transferring, or planning to transfer weapons, such as uncrewed combat aerial vehicles and ammunitionto the Russian armed forces for use in Ukraine”, he added.

He said any “large-scale influx of weapons and ammunition” onto any battlefield, “raises concerns for peace, security and stability, including as a result of diversion.”

Mr. Ebo said that measures to address the issue of weapons ending up in the hands of third parties, or any “unauthorized users”, was essential to prevent further instability in Ukraine.

UN Register of Conventional Arms is an essential tool in this regard”, for those countries with nothing to hide, he added.

Over 178 Member States have submitted a report to UNROCA he said.

Mr. Ebo called on all countries to take part, for the sake of trust and transparency.

He called on States to consider joining all other related treaties and live up to their legal

“Beyond addressing arms transfersall parties to the conflict have a duty to protect civilians in armed conflict, and to ensure compliance with applicable international law”, he told the Council members.

UN human rights office’s latest figures showed 24,000 recorded casualties since Russia’s invasion began, with the actual figure likely to be much higher.

Mr. Ebo said “After almost 15 months of the Russian Federation’s military offensive into Ukraine, suffering, loss, displacement and destruction continue to form part of an unbearable routine”.

“In addition to the thousands of civilians killed and injured, the destruction of essential critical infrastructure and services is particularly alarming. Homes, schools, roads, and bridges have been destroyed and damaged”, he stated.

“Attacks on energy infrastructure have interrupted power, heating, drinking water supply and sewage facilities, as well as mobile and internet communications. Hospitals and health facilities have been attacked, killing and injuring healthcare workers and disrupting essential services. Explosive remnants of war have resulted in widespread land contamination rendering land unusable for agriculture, while impeding the movement of people.”

He said plainly that attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, “must stop”, taking the opportunity to call on all countries to support and “effectively implement” the Political Declaration on Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from the Humanitarian Consequences Arising from the Use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas, adopted in November 2022.

He reiterated that Russia’s invasion was a violation of international law, including the UN Charter, “causing massive suffering and devastation to Ukraine and its people.

The world cannot afford for this war to continue. I appeal to all Member States to make every effort for peace. The United Nations stands ready to support all genuine efforts to that end,” he concluded.

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