Corruption galore in Uttarakhand PWD and PMGSY: Cabinet minister orders investigation in substandard road works in the state

GG News Bureau
Dehradun, 26th July. The corruption in PWD and other construction department continues unabated despite the zero tolerance toward corruption motto of the Uttarakhand government.
The Minister of Tourism, Public Works, Irrigation and Culture and Chaubattiyakhal MLA Satpal Maharaj livid at the substandard road construction works ordered an investigation to stall the corruption in PWD and other departments under him after conducting inspection of the work on several roads in his MLA constituency Chaubhtiya Khal on Sunday.
MLA Satpal Maharaj carried out on-site inspection of various roads of PWD and PMGSY and ordered an inquiry into the poor quality of The Rikhad-Dhobighat-Amkulau Motor road of PWD, Maithana Ghat Bawansa-Rasiya Mahadev Motor rad and Timlikhal-Sandhar Motor road that was constructed recently under PMGSY. Satpal Maharaj also directed the PWD and PMGSY officials to expedite payment of compensation pending for years of land of the people acquired at the time of construction of roads in various areas. Maharaj asked the officials to pay attention to the quality of construction of the roads as per the mandate. He said quality will not be compromised at any cost.
Minister of Tourism, Public Works, Irrigation and Culture and Chaubattakhal MLA Satpal Maharaj also launched various schemes on Sunday during his fvisit. Maharaj distributed furniture purchased from MLA fund and children for children studying in Anganwadi centres In Bironkhal block. He also unveiled the Maithana-Duvalan motorway at Maithana at a cost of 33 lakhs, the Lagal-Kota motor road construction at a cost of Rs 6.96 crores and the Kailad Solar Pumping Drinking Water Scheme of Rs 77.28 lakhs.
The corruption continues unabated in the PWD department which is keeping the honest contractors who cannot pay the commission at various levels away resulting in sub standard works. One contractor without being named alleged that the officials in connivance with the MLA’s ask for more than 5 percent commission upfront and 20% to paid after the contract is awarded to the contractors in PWD and Pradhanmantri Gramin Sadak Yojna(PMGSY).
The congress leaders are of the view that the zero tolerance is merely a eyewash and the MLA’s and officials together are looting the state through exorbitant commissions which is affecting the quality of work in the state.

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