Chhath Puja: Celebrating Bihar’s Sacred Festival Across the Globe

GG News Bureau
Glasgow(Scotland).20th Nov. Maha Parva Chhath Puja, Surya Shashthi festival, which lasts for three days, is being celebrated in India and other countries. The Chhath festival, which is an essential festival of Indian culture, promotes the need to save our rivers and nature and strengthens our relationship with the environment.

Many people believe that this festival is only celebrated in Bihar, but it is actually celebrated in all states of the country. Women observe Nirjala fast to wish for the well-being of their children and offer jaggery kheer, sugarcane, and pineapple to Shashthi Mata, as well as offer Ardha to Surya by giving Ardhya to the setting and rising Sun.

The most sacred celebration of the Chhath festival took place at Cremond Beach in Scotland, United Kingdom (England). Despite the temperature being only 1 degree, around 150 people gathered on the beach to offer prayers to the Sun. Manjari Singh, Vishant Das, PratibhaSingh Chhath Puja devotee remarked that although the sand was very cold, the feet were shivering in the temperature of one degree, and the people’s faith was tremendous.

They added that seeing the place at sunset and sunrise felt like they were in India, and this festival reminded them of their home country.

Professor Dhruva Kumar, from Champaran Bihar, explained that every celebration of Indian culture has scientific significance, and through the Chhath festival, we get the message of saving nature, and Chhathi Maiya blesses everyone.The celebration of Chhath Puja in Scotland is an excellent example of the festival’s global reach and the importance of preserving our culture and traditions even in foreign lands. It is heartening to see people of different backgrounds and nationalities come together to celebrate this ancient festival and promote the message of saving nature and strengthening our relationship with the environment.

Dhruva further added that the Sun God does not belong to any one religion but to all. Although we know the method of worshipping the Sun and learned even in the first century that the Earth revolves around the Sun, this knowledge of India is now being recognized abroad. Science and religion have been connected, and we prayed to the Sun God to shine a light for all living beings on Earth and bring a new dawn in people’s lives.

To celebrate the Chhath festival, Chhath fasting residents Supriya Mishra and Rashmi Rai, from  Glasgow, Edinburgh, Scotland, taught Chhath songs and the story of Chhath Puja to the children and explained the significance of the festival. The children sang the songs of Chhathi Maiya beautifully.

Manjari Singh, Pratibha Singh, Vishant Das ji, and all dedicated teams from the Bihari Community of Scotland organized the puja with full dedication on Cramond Beach.

In Ayrshire, Chhath Vrati Supriya Mishra, along with Rashmi Rai, Kamni Jaiswal from Champaran, and Richa Sinha, celebrated the festival.

According to Rashmi Rai, Chhath Puja is for the entire universe and all humankind, and we should all observe it with complete dedication and honesty, regardless of where we live.


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