Better Coordination Need of the Hour for Hindu Organizations: RSS Sarkaryawah Sri Dattatreya Hosbole at  World Hindu Congress

Kumar Rakesh
GG News Bureau
Bangkok, 25th Nov. 
Better coordination is the need of the hour for Hindu organizations, said RSS Sarkaryawah Sri Dattatreya Hosbole on Friday. He emphasized the importance of unity among these organizations in order to effectively represent the Hindu community.

Hosabale addressed the World Hindu Congress in Thailand and highlighted the challenges faced by society that can be addressed through the strengthening of Hindu organizations globally.

He acknowledged the existence of various associations, organizations, and forums based on language, sect, castes, sub-castes, and gurus, but stressed that the larger objective of Hindu unity should not be forgotten.

Hosabale called for collaboration among organizations to resolve contradictions and differences and to effectively articulate the voice of the Hindu society.

He also emphasized the need for sharing information, coordination, cooperation, and collaboration among these organizations to avoid duplication.

Hosabale identified challenges such as proselytization, suppression of human rights of Hindus, and the absence of departments of Hindu studies and Indian languages in many Western universities that need to be addressed through better organization.

The World Hindu Congress, attended by delegates from over 60 countries, renounced the term Hinduism and embraced Hindutva and Hindu Dharma to refer to the eternal religion.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat also spoke at the event, expressing India’s role in showing the path of happiness and satisfaction to the world. He called on Hindus worldwide to connect with each other and with the world.

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