Abbas says solving Palestinian issue will promote stability to Middle East

Anjali Sharma

GG News Bureau

WASHINGTON DC, 22nd April. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday said that solving the Palestinian issue will promote stability in the Middle East region.

Abbas in an interview with Palestine’s official news agency WAFA, described the US veto in denying Palestine’s full membership in the UN as “disappointing, irresponsible, and unjustified,” which is “a blatant aggression against the rights of the Palestinian people,” and “a challenge to the will of the international community,” NEWS MEDIA reported.

United States vetoed a draft UN resolution advocating for full membership for Palestine. Britain and Switzerland abstained, while the rest of the members of the Security Council voted in favour.

Abbas condemned the United States’ continued support for and weapon and fund supplies to Israel.

He said, Israel “kills our children, demolishes our homes, and opposes us in the international community, harming security and stability in the region and the world.”

Mr. Abbas stressed that stability in the Middle East will not be achieved without a just solution to the Palestinian issue, which “cannot be broken, liquidated, or subjugated.”

He urged the Biden administration to review its “wrong” policies, and realise that the policy of supporting Israel in its aggression against the Palestinian people “will not bring security and peace to anyone.”

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