BD Kasniyal
GG News Bureau
Pithoragarh,24th June. The Preservation work on Yakshwati, the parenial rivulet, flowing through Pithoragarh town will be given top priority on the programs chart to be commenced on Harela day, on July 16, this year said district administration sources.
Harela is a major festival celebrated in the month of Shraawan,(July) every year, in Uttarakhand as an occasion to preserve the Nature. Mass plantation programs are carried by state government departments, NGOs and para military forces in this border district every year.
“Besides the main programe of river preservation more than 1.60 lakh sapling plantation will be carried out by several departments.” said Anand Swroop, district magistrate Pithoragarh.
He further said that the parental rivulet, that is lifeline of the headquarter town, is drying out on yearly basis due to several reasons hence preserving it in its original flow is of vital importance.
“we will carry mass plantation campaign in the catchment areas of the Yakshwati river, and aware the people living by its bank to keep it clean. “said the DM.
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