New Delhi, 10th August. The Rajya Sabha was adjourned sine die on Friday, one sitting ahead of its scheduled end, following a day marked by an Opposition walkout. The Upper House was initially set to function until August 12.
After multiple adjournments during the post-lunch session, the House reconvened at 3:30 PM, when Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar expressed his concern over the conduct of Opposition members both inside and outside the House. Shortly thereafter, at 3:54 PM, Dhankhar adjourned the House sine die.
Earlier in the day, a tense exchange occurred between Chairman Dhankhar and actor-politician Jaya Bachchan. Bachchan objected to the chairman’s tone while granting her the floor to speak, prompting Dhankhar to assert that even a celebrity like her must adhere to the decorum of the House.
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